What our students say
“I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you so much.”
“I don’t think I would have got through this without you.”
“Counselling saved me!”
“I am not feeling suicidal anymore, and I am doing better in school and coping better.”
“I am more measured now in how I speak to myself and don’t think about suicide any more”
“Counselling has helped me get into school more.”
“I am not having any more flashbacks and sleeping better, and I am happier. I feel more positive too.”
“I feel stronger and know I will get through this. I haven't self-harmed for a while now.”
“My anger has gone down a lot and I speak it better now.”
“I don't melt down anymore.”
“I'm not dead sad and depressed any more.”
“I’m thinking more before I get really upset and angry.”
“I feel stronger and know I will get through this. I haven't self-harmed for a while now.”
“I think I’m a better person now. I’m happier and stronger.”
“I understand better what healthy relationships look like.”
“I have changed my style and friendship groups and found my voice.”
“I have not been in base this year and I have few negatives. I have moved up in science sets. I am more focused and got the U-Turn award.”
“I have changed my behaviour in school, and I feel happier.”
“I'm less scared and sad. I'm less anxious and I'm able to sleep again now.”
“I'm not bothered about coming in to school now.”
“I am lashing out a lot less and things are better with mum and dad. I am also doing better in class.”
“I am more self-aware and know how to deal better with situations now.”
“I have noticed I am a lot happier and more motivated to do things.”
“I worry less about the bullying and what could happen.”
“I don't melt down anymore.”
“I've felt less angry and much calmer. Thank you”
“It was a massive relief, like a weight being lifted to get was inside of me out.”
“It helped me to control myself better.”
“I am more positive and think more before I act.”
“I have learnt to ignore stuff that people say and be less embarrassed about things.”
“Going into school has been better and my happiness has gone up. I understand why I felt like I did.”
"I Felt a lot happier and had no thoughts of self-harm and I’m doing a lot better.”
“It's helped with my flashbacks, and I manage my feelings better now.”
“I feel like I'm coping better now.”
“Talking about it has helped. I'm still up and down but I'm a lot better than I was. In September I would say my anxiety was probably ten out of ten but now it's generally about a five.”
“I know I’m not 100% but I’m stronger than before and feel like I’m back to where I need to be.”
“I can still have a ‘wobble’ every now and then, but since counselling started, I’ve been talking more to others, especially my parents and this is helping. I feel like I’ve got a more positive mindset now.”
“The things we’ve talked about in counselling have helped me to see a different perspective and to understand why I’ve felt like this.”
“I’m more able to control my negative thoughts now and I feel less anxious and on edge. My nightmares about my mum have stopped and I feel more at peace with things.”
“I am ready to focus on the rest of Year 11. I am doing better.”
“I am happier going into school and have more confidence”
“I still get anxious, but I know how to deal with it better and bring it down, so it doesn't go over the top.”
“It’s helped me to feel calmer and to understand things more so I can learn to react better.”
“I feel like my more rational side has been switched on now.”
"This has helped me to be more organised; I write lists, so I don’t forget things. It’s helped with my knee, and I take my brace off at night. It’s helped with my behaviour; I’m trying to be more aware of what I’m doing so I can stay in school.”
“After a few sessions I felt much better so it must have worked.”
“Realising that I have power over that voice in my head was a game changer for me. I am more sociable and feel so much better already.”
“I am more positive and talk to myself better.”
“This has been great in helping me cope through my experience and helped me set up boundaries to make me more comfortable.”
“I have my confidence back and I am back in my old drama club, which I couldn't do before.”
“I understand my feelings a lot more and how to cope”
“I am feeling less sick and less worried about going to math’s. I'm feeling so much better going into maths now.”